Meeting documents

Delegations are kindly asked to bring their own set of documents to the meeting; documents will no longer be made available in the meeting room.

Back 24th meeting - Bratislava, 9-10 September 2002

2 Adoption of the agenda and approval of the report of the 23rd meeting
- Agenda CAHDI (2002) OJ 2 rev 2
- Meeting report CAHDI (2002) 8
3 Communication by the Director for Legal Cooperation, Mr Lamponi
- Changes concerning the Council of Europe Treaty Series since the 23rd meeting of the CAHDI CAHDI (2002) Inf 2
- Conclusions of the International Conference on the Council of Europe's contribution to the acquis of the European Union (Santiago de Compostela, 3-4 June 2002) SdC (2002) Concl
4 Decisions by the Committee of Ministers concerning the CAHDI and requests for the CAHDI's opinion
- Abridged report of the 51st session of the European Committee on Crime Problems (CDPC) CDPC (2002) 15
- Decisions of the Committee of Ministers concerning the CAHDI CAHDI (2002) 9 rev
- Extract from the report of the 21st CJ-NA GT meeting CJ-NA-GT (2002) 12
5 Law and practice relating to reservations and interpretative declarations concerning international treaties: European Observatory of Reservations to International Treaties
- List of outstanding reservations and declarations to international treaties CAHDI (2002) 10
- List of outstanding reservations and declarations to international treaties - Addendum CAHDI (2002) 10 Addendum
- Considerations of resservations and declarations to international treaties applicable to the fight against terrorism CAHDI (2002) 11 (English only)
6 Pilot Project of the Council of Europe on State practice regarding State immunities
- Pilot Project of the Council of Europe on State practice regarding State immunities - Contributions of the States CAHDI (2002) 12
7 The work of the International Law Commission (ILC) and of the Sixth Committee
- Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on Jurisdictional Immunities of States and of their Property A/57/22
- Report of the 54th Session of the ILC A/57/10
- The work of the International Law Commission at its 54th session – Summary by Professor Simma CAHDI (2002) Inf 4 (English only)
11 Fight against terrorism
- International Action against Terrorism - Draft report of the 4th GMT meeting GMT (2002) 11
- Guidelines on Human Rights and Fight against Terrorism H (2002) 4
12 Draft specific terms of reference of the CAHDI for 2003-2004
- Draft specific terms of reference of the CAHDI for 2003-2004 CAHDI (2002) 14
13 Election of the Chair and Vice-Chair for 2003
- Election of the Chair and Vice-Chair of the CAHDI for one year CAHDI (2002) 15

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