Consultation meeting with NGOs

Consultation meeting between NGOs and the Bureaux of the Committee and of its Sub-Committee on Violence against Women

On the involvement of NGOs in the parliamentary dimension of the Council of Europe campaign to combat violence against women, including domestic violence

Strasbourg Wednesday 18 October 2006 (2.00 p.m. – 6.00 p.m.),
Room 15


2.00 pm Opening of the meeting and information on the implementation of the parliamentary dimension of the Council of Europe campaign to combat violence against women, including domestic violence: how can NGOs contribute?
Ms Carina Hägg, Chair of the Sub-Committee on Violence against Women

2.30 pm Round table: Presentation by NGOs of their suggestions for contributions to the Parliamentary Assembly's action and to parliamentary activities at national level:

3.30 pm Exchange of views with parliamentarians

4.15 pm Coffee break

4.30 pm Exchange of views with parliamentarians (continued)

5.15 pm Appointment of an NGO spokesperson (to report back to the meeting of contact parliamentarians of 19 October 2006)

Presentation of the conclusions of the NGO consultation meeting by the spokesperson: NGO contribution to the parliamentary dimension of the Campaign – to be submitted to the contact parliamentarians on 19 October 2006

6 pm Closing of the meeting