organised by the Council of Europe
Tunis, 15 November 2005, 3 – 7 pm, Room El Jem,
Exhibitions Park and International Trade Centre, 2015 LE KRAM, TUNIS, TUNISIA


The Council of Europe adopted in 2001, the Convention on cybercrime: the first and so far only international treaty against this scourge. This Convention, which has been so far signed by 31 European and non-European States and ratified by 11 States, is in force since July 2004 and is a global treaty open for accession to all States in the world. Many Institutions and private sector representatives have expressed support for the Convention.

The 11th UN Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, which took place in Bangkok on 18-25 April 2005, also dealt in details with the need to combat cybercrime. In its final Declaration, the Congress reaffirmed "the fundamental importance of implementation of existing instruments [….] in particular against cybercrime" and recognised the importance of the contribution by regional institutions to combat cybercrime. More specifically, one of the recommendations of Workshop 6 on "Measures to combat computer-related crimes" states that "States should take into consideration the provisions of the Council of Europe Convention on cybercrime".

This parallel event will thus examine the global nature of the Council of Europe Convention on cybercrime (the only binding international treaty in the world to counter cybercrime) and will possibly argue for a global accession to it.

Chair of the Parallel event: Howard Schmidt, former Special Adviser for Cyberspace Security for the White House

3.00 pm Opening of the side event

v Representative of the Council of Europe
v Maria Cristina Bueti, Strategy and Policy Unit, International Telecommunication Union

3.15 pm The Convention on cybercrime: an overview

v Amanda Hubbard, Fulbright Researcher, Norway

3.30 pm Questions & Answers

4.00 pm The Convention on cybercrime: a global treaty ?

v Ehab Elsonbaty, Egypt
v Anthony Teelucksingh, United States of America
v Ilias Chatzos, Symantec

5.00 pm Question & Answers and discussion

Closing remarks and end of the parallel event (not later then 6.45 pm)
Council of Europe Parallel event at the World Summit of the Information Society “The Convention on Cybercrime: a global Treaty?” (Tunis, 15 November 2005)