Forum for the Future of Democracy


    (As adopted by the Ministers’ Deputies at their 1090th meeting on 7 July 2010)

    The Council of Europe’s Forum for the Future of Democracy is a multi-partner process that promotes the strengthening and development of democracy in Europe and beyond. Basing itself on common principles deriving, in particular, from the European Convention on Human Rights and the Council of Europe’s acquis in the field of democracy, the Forum anticipates global and European trends and examines the performance of democratic institutions, processes and practices in Europe as they respond to contemporary challenges in the context of an evolving environment.
    By involving governments, parliaments, local and regional authorities, academics and civil society, the Forum aims to provide an inclusive framework within which innovative ideas and thinking on democratic governance are shaped and debated through a broad and cross-cutting approach. Its outcomes seek to contribute to the formulation of priorities and policies at all levels, thereby contributing to the enhancement of the Council of Europe’s democracy pillar.