Integrated Project 1
Projet Intégré 1

    Making democratic institutions work
    Les institutions démocratiques en action


Strasbourg, 18 February 2004

IP1(2004)18 e
Specific Terms of Reference

of the

Ad Hoc Inter-sectoral Group of Specialists on e-governance (IP1-S-EG)

Adopted at the 873rd meeting of the Ministers’ Deputies
18 February 2004

Specific terms of reference
Ad Hoc Inter-sectoral Group of Specialists on e-governance (IP1-S-EG)

1. Name of committee:

Ad Hoc Inter-sectoral Group of Specialists on e-governance (IP1-S-EG)

2. Type of committee:

Ad Hoc Inter-sectoral Group of Specialists

3. Source of terms of reference:

Committee of Ministers

4. Terms of reference:

The task of the Committee is to prepare a draft Recommendation of the Committee of Ministers to member states that would raise awareness of the possible scope of and provide guidance on appropriate solutions to governments with regard to the development of e-governance strategies at national, regional and local level, where such strategies aim to

The Committee is also asked to consider and make proposals for further work, particularly for the maintenance and enhancement of the guidelines included in the Recommendation.

5. Membership of the committee:

a. The following Council of Europe Steering committees are invited to nominate up to two representatives to the Ad Hoc Inter-sectoral Group of Specialists on e-governance: CDLR, CDMM, CDCJ, CDCS, CD-Cult, CDED. The Liaison Committee of INGOs enjoying participatory status with the Council of Europe may also nominate a representative.

The Council of Europe's budget bears travelling and subsistence expenses of up to two representatives of the above Steering Committees and one representative of the Liaison Committee of INGOs. Other representatives of Steering Committees may attend meetings of the Committee, without any defrayal of expenses by the Council of Europe.

b. The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe and the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of Europe (CLRAE), and the Council for Democratic Elections may appoint representatives to meetings of the Committee, without defrayal of expenses.

c. The European Commission and the European Parliament may appoint representatives to meetings of the Committee, without defrayal of expenses.
d. Council of Europe member States, observer states to the Council of Europe, and applicant states for Council of Europe membership may send a representative without defrayal of expenses to meetings of the Committee.

e. The Committee may also, where practical, organise exchanges of view with other Council of Europe bodies.

f. Council of Europe Partial Agreements may appoint representatives to meetings of the Committee, without defrayal of expenses, in particular the following: CD-P-RR ( Committee on the Rehabilitation and Integration of People with Disabilities (Partial Agreement in the Social and Public Health Field)), European Commission for Democracy through Law (Venice Commission).

6. Working structures and methods:

The Committee may invite other interested parties in addition to those mentioned above to participate in its meetings and have recourse, where appropriate, to the services of external consultants.

The Committee may use teleconference or videoconference facilities where practical.

7. Duration:

These terms of reference shall end on 31 December 2004.