“Diversity and inclusion:

challenges for teacher education”

Final conference

26 – 28 October 2009

Oslo, Norway

The conference has been organised in the framework of the Council of Europe’s Project “Policies and practices for teaching socio-cultural diversity” (2006-2009) and in cooperation with the Ministry of Education of Norway, Oslo University College and the Wergeland Centre.

The conference brought together senior officials from member states governments dealing with issues concerning teacher education policies as well as key players (managers, teacher trainers/educators, researchers) and experts from teacher education institutions and other relevant international Non-Governmental Organisations. It aimed to give the participants the opportunity to enlarge their vision of key issues concerning diversity and inclusion in the field of teacher education and identify new perspectives for work at European level. Within this general context and aim, the conference provided an evaluative focus on the work and outcomes of the Council of Europe Project “Policies and practices for teaching socio-cultural diversity”.

Given the crucial importance of the issue of teacher education in Europe today, as a key factor in ensuring quality education for all, it is important that the results of the project are disseminated through exchanges between policymakers, researchers and practionners from different member states. A special focus is given to the conditions of implementation and adaptation to national contexts of the Framework of Teachers Competences for engaging with Diversity developed within the framework of the project.

In addition to reviewing the outcomes of the Project “Policies and practices for teaching socio-cultural diversity”, the conference was also proactive in identifying a range of future actions that can be initiated and strengthened in the field of teachers education, so contributing to the on-going debates and reforms in teacher education policies.

An additional objective of the conference is to identify the short-term and long-term implications of the project for the Council of Europe and other key players and promote practical ideas and stimulate further activities in this area.

Participants of the Conference are governmental and no-governmental experts and senior officials from the member states. Non-member states having observer status with the Council of Europe are also invited. Several international organisations (IGOs and INGOs) and institutions are invited.

The conference provided a unique opportunity for participants to identify priority actions regarding the use and dissemination of the outcomes of the Council of Europe’s work.

A conference report including all papers from keynote speakers and reports from working group sessions and conclusions will be published by the Council of Europe following the event.

Documents available for download (PDF files)

Programme of the conference

Diversity and inclusion: Challenges for teacher education, Anne-Lise Arnesen

Education for Roma children, Calin Rus

German case study: „Learning and Living Democracy“, Ulrike Wolff-Jontofsohn

Social stratification in the classroom, Silvia Tsvetanska

Teaching history using sources, Luisa Black

European portfolio for student teachers of languages, Hanna Komorowska

Quality of education, Boncho Gospodinov