25 - 28 April 2012, Dublin (Ireland)

The 3rd MARS National Media Encounter � Cross-Production for Inclusive Media Coverage co-organised by CMFE and CRAOL has brought together around 30 journalists who were faced with the challenge of producing media cross-reports that include diversity and non discrimination as standard angles of media coverage. Besides the exploration of Gaelic sports � at least for non Irish European invitees � this encounter gave place to meaningful exchanges between media professionals on the most relevant approaches to �capture� diversity; on the 9 media reports, there is one which is particularly troubling� We will let you look for it when the reports will be available online.

More information about the encounter
Sally GALIANA (Near FM) & Albertine DENIS (Dublin South Broadcasting Co-Op)
Sally Galiana and Albertine Denis worked on this piece for presentation to the MARS project. Sally spoke with Tony Watene who is the National Intergration Officer with the GAA 'Gaelic Athletic Association' which is the organisation that promotes and runs Irish traditional sports. Tony has been employed to encourage more involvement by migrant groups who are new to Ireland and traditional sport. Albertine spoke with a number of women who have and are still involved in Gaelic Sports about growing up in the sport and the kind of support they got and why they feel that women's sporting events are not as supported both on the sidelines by fans or by sponsorship of the game. The conclusion is that if there was more media coverage around women's sports there would be a bigger fan base. Tony Watene spoke about his work as GAA integration office, which covers the nine grounds for discrimination (gender, sexual orientation, age, civil status, nationality, ethnicity, religion, disability and membership of the Traveller community) and is rolling out a plan with local clubs and regional organisations to ensure the participation of all in GAA family of sports.
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Susan KING (Phoenix FM) & Stefan TENNER (Community Media Forum Europe)
How equally, do you think, are women represented in sports? Do you ever watch women�s sports? Even Rugby? At the ground level women are involved in sports in great numbers, yet they are extremely underrepresented in the Irish public sphere, we have learned through our research. We spoke to different people about Women in Sport in Ireland: Caitr�ona Bergin is the Women�s Rugby Development Officer at the Irish Rugby Football Union and Fiona Coghlan, is the Women�s Captain of the Irish Rugby team. It was through good teamwork that we were able to find and follow the topic of this report and set it all up in two days. We worked closely together holding regular conversations about the next steps we should take and we were both open to the answers we received from the people we interviewed, about what we would find in our research and what we learned from the opening session of the MARS Encounter.
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Mahmood MERAJ (Intime news network) & David KNOX (Near TV)
Made as part of the National Media Encounter of the MARS programme - Media against Racism in Sport - and shot over the course of a day on the streets of Dublin. The piece undertaken was to take a look at what Gaelic Games mean to the Irish immigrant population. Gaelic Games, or GAA, is the national sport of Ireland Comprising of Gaelic Football, Hurling and Handball. The sport can be seen by many as being inaccessible to the immigrant community as very few of the Irish immigrant population are playing it at its highest level. What this project aimed to do is to gauge the understanding of some of the immigrant populations knowledge on the sport. Even if they might not have the language or know the names of the sports, are they aware of them, do they watch or play the sports and do they understand the significance of Gaelic Games to Irish people. The project was also aiming to give a voice and face on the topic of Gaelic Games that normally would never be heard or seen on the subject and hopefully showing that the immigrant community are becoming involved with the sport and interacting with it, if not themselves but through their children.
Watch the video on Youtube
Watch the video on Vimeo link
Robbie MULVEY (Athlone Community Radio) & Hailuu-Chirauso NETSIYANWA (ShoobzRadio)
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Patrick VERNIERS (Media Animation), Elisabeth KOTVOJS (FairPlay / VIDC), Diamantis MASTROGIANNAKIS (Universit� de Lille) & Edward KEALY (Near FM)
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Phil MAC GIOLLA BHAIN (National Union of Journalists) & Martin Kelleher (Athlone Community Radio)
< Irish players used to be subjected to racist abuse in England. They can still be subjected to this abuse in Scotland. However, back in Ireland the issue of tackling racist abuse in football is a work in progress.
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