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Arsène Wenger
Lilian Thuram - 1
Lilian Thuram - 2

Reynald Blion

  Communication Activities
8 June 2010: Palermo Conference on Fight against discrimination (Italy)
During his opening speech at the Council of Europe’s conference (8 June 2010) on the fight against discrimination the president of Palermo’s 7th district, Piero Gusto’s recalled Sicily’s thousand year long tradition of harmonious coexistence of different cultures and traditions. The Deputy Secretary General of the Council of Europe, Maud De Boer Buquicchio, in her message stressed that discrimination shouldn’t be tolerated. The conference also focused on the Council of Europe’s White Paper on Intercultural Dialogue. It also marked the launch of the Council of Europe’s anti discrimination campaign in Palermo. This launch aimed at raising the general public awareness with regard to this phenomenon.
7 June 2010- Campaign launched in Palermo (Italy)
Palermo had just recently joined as a partner city to the campaign. From June 7 onwards more than 500 ‘Speak out against discrimination’ posters were prominently displayed on the streets of Palermo. Palermo was the sixth Italian partner city to join the campaign. The other Italian cities included Rome, Milan, Torino, Bari and Reggio Emilia.
May 2010 - The Campaign TV spot in Kiev (Ukraine)
The Campaign TV spot is broadcasted in Kiev (Ukraine) at the entrance of the main railway station with an opportunity for thousands of travellers to get familiar with the message of the Campaign
21 mai 2010 : Journée mondiale de la diversité culturelle pour le dialogue et le développement
Since UNESCO adopted the Universal declaration on Cultural Diversity in November 2001, the General Assembly of the United Nations proclaimed 21 May as the World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development (Resolution 57/249). The Day has provided us with an opportunity to deepen understanding of the values of Cultural Diversity and to learn to ‘live together’ better. This is why UNESCO has appealed to the Member States as well as to all of Civil Society to celebrate this day by involving as many actors and partners as possible.

7-9 mai 2010 - Débat « Que fait l’Europe contre les discriminations », Paris
La Campagne a été au cœur du village européen de Paris, sur le Parvis de l’Hôtel de Ville, du 7 au 9 mai dernier. Cette année, l’événement « Faites l’Europe », créé par la Mairie de Paris et la Maison de l’Europe de Paris, partenaires de la Campagne, était placé sous le signe d’une Europe dynamique et solidaire. Plusieurs débats ont permis à des citoyens et à des représentants des institutions européennes et du secteur associatifs de confronter actions, idées. Le débat « Que fait l’Europe contre les discriminations » a été l’occasion de rappeler aux parisiens et aux visiteurs de la capitale les objectifs de la Campagne qui y a été lancée il y a tout juste un an.

The Hungarian press reports on the Campaign
On 26 February the Campaign’s team gave a press conference to the Hungarian press (newspapers, public radio and television) where minority media groups were represented including Roma. This press meeting was running in parallel with a European training workshop which was jointly organized by the Fundamental Rights Agency and the Council of Europe. At the premises of the Council of Europe’s Hungarian documentation and information center Carole Reich and Reynald Blion informed the local media about the objectives of the campaign.
22 January 2010: Our Bilingual Newsletter
In 2010 the campaign had been running for its second year and the format of the newsletter also changed. 2009 was marked by a wealth of events and activities under the campaign’s four objectives and 2010 was no less promising. 2010 first newsletter contained a summary of activities which took place in 2009 as well as those that were envisaged for 2010. More information at:

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