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Events 2005-2006


16 November 2006, Experts Conference, Skopje




List of participants


Experts' reports


2-7 November 2006, Study Tour  Prague-Strasbourg


In the period 2nd till 7th November 2006, thirteen participants from the countries included in the Social Institutions Support Programme (including Bulgaria and Romania), had the opportunity to participate in the Study Tour organised by DG III and the SISP Office in Skopje. The Study Tour included the attendance to the Social Security Co-ordination Training Course in Prague, Czech Republic (2-4 November), followed by the Study visit to the Council of Europe in Strasbourg (6-7 November). (more...)


National training events on social security co-ordination


Podgorica 9 October 2006

Meeting report  List of participants


17 October 2006, Banja Luka

Meeting report  List of participants



21 August to 1 September 2006, Budva:

Second Regional Summer School on Social Security

This event has provided in-depth social security training to 36 participants from the whole region.
The programme of the summer school has been composed to provide a general introduction into social protection from a legal, economic, sociological and administrative perspective. The training courses were dealing with social security in its broadest sense, including cash benefit schemes, pensions and health care systems. Throughout the courses, a strong comparative element has been present. By providing the different approaches to social security that co-exist within Europe, the school intended to enable the participants to understand better the general principles that shape social security. The programme also paid attention to the role of international bodies such as the European Union.(more...)




 National training event in Belgrade, 22 June


Meeting Report    List of participants


National training event in Sarajevo, 21 June


Meeting Report    List of participants





 National training event in Zagreb, 20 June


Meeting Report   List of participants



National training event in Skopje, 9 June


Meeting Report   List of participants




National training event in Pristina, 8 June


Meeting Report    List of participants



National training event in Tirana, 6 June


Meeting Report     List of participants




24 March 2006, Zagreb


Ministerial Conference on Social Security Coordination in the Western Balkans Region followed by the third Steering Committee meeting



24 January 2006, Belgrade


State Secretaries Conference for the preparation of the Ministerial Conference on Social Security Co-ordination in the Western Balkans Region

Meeting report



20-21 February 2006, Skopje


First speaking days on social and health insurance, between Serbia and Montenegro and "The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia", Second round.


Meeting report



7-8 November 2005, Belgrade


First speaking days on pension and health insurance, between Serbia and Montenegro and "The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia".


Meeting report


22 August to 2 September 2005, Ohrid


First Regional Summer School on Social Security


This event has provided an in-depth social security training to 35 participants from the whole region in a comprehensive, multidisciplinary and multinational way.

Approach was: comprehensive because it looked at social policy and social security as a whole; multidisciplinary because it looked at the issue from various angles (legal, sociological, administrative, economic etc.); and multinational in the sence that it included knowledge and the best practices from a whole range of countries, both within the region and from the rest of Europe. (more...)



2 September 2005, Ohrid


Second Meeting of the Regional Steering Committee


Meeting report


16-17 March 2005, Regional Programme Office in Skopje


Training Seminar for Local Project Officers


18 March 2005, Skopje


First meeting of the Regional Steering Committee


Meeting report