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4th Speaking Days between Albania and Turkey
Tirana, Albania, 18-19 February 2009

Final report  

In the framework of the IPA “Social Security Coordination and Social Security Reforms” (SSCSSR) Joint Programme (Council of Europe and European Commission), a first Speaking Days between Albani and Turkey was organised on 18/19 February in Tirana (Albania). The meeting also served to identify possible legal, administrative and/or procedural shortcomings in the Beneficiary parties to this meeting and, the case need to be, decide whether, under the SSCSSR Programme, further activities could be organised to assist the Beneficiary parties in solving existing barriers in the coordination of social security rights between the two countries.

The Delegations of both countries were represented by experts and high level administrative officials from the health insurance area.





List of participants


Ms Mirela SELITA
Legal Director
Social Insurance Institute


Mr Vullnet SADUSHI
Head of the Contribution Department
Social Insurance Institute

Director of Benefits
Social Insurance Institute

Ms Beatriçe MERSINI
Specialist of International Relations
Legal department
Social Insurance Institute

Ms Laureta MANO
Legal Director
Health Insurance Institute

Ms Miranda MICO
Health Insurance Institute


Ms Ermira VERLI
Personnel Department
Health Insurance Institute

Head of Department for Foreign relations and projects
Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities



Acting Head of the European Union and Foreign Affairs Department
Presidency of Strategy Department
Social Security Institution


Mr Yaşar AKSOY
Division Director
Social Insurance Institıtion


Mr Zalif MERT
Senior Officer
Social Insurance Institution


Ms Nalan AKSOY
Senior Officer
Social Insurance Institution



Council Of Europe Secretariat:

Ms Tatjana KOSTOVSKA  
Programme Officer

Regional Programme Office


Mr Aleksander PRENGA
Local Programme Officer  for Albania