European dialogue platform on ethical and solidarity-based initiatives for combating poverty and social exclusion
Observatory of the European platform of dialogue on ethical and solidarity-based initiatives
The Observatory of the European dialogue platform on ethical and solidarity initiatives encourages and stimulates dialogue between public authorities and civil society through the collection, organization and dissemination of information on public policies, citizens’ initiatives, good practices of dialogue and other initiatives and by producing analytical studies or forecasts which promote a better understanding of existing activities and their implications. It is organized to respond to the needs of the European dialogue platform on ethical and solidarity initiatives whether this is for general analyses or on specific themes around which dialogue is taking place.

Since 2003 several studies and research projects have been initiated in the Council of Europe on citizen commitment in the economy, finance based on solidarity, fair trade and responsible consumption. The findings of these different analyses constitute a resource of knowledge which the Council of Europe makes available to public authorities, parliamentarians, networks and other involved bodies in order to make known the experiences taking place in Europe, to develop exchanges and to disseminate information to a broad public.

The Observatory is run by the Secretariat of the Council of Europe with support from national, regional and local authorities of member States. Partnerships are being sought with resource people who could play a relay role such as universities, research centres or other organizations which work on the same or similar themes and who could contribute to producing the knowledge required to bring to fruition political dialogue activities.

  Available information
  Public policies of support for citizens initiatives in the economy (legislation and public measures)
Good practices of dialogue between public authorities and citizens initiatives in the economy (good practice sheets)
Awareness-raising initiatives for responsible consumption and finance based on solidarity
  Samuel Thirion

Fax: +33 (0)3 88 41 27 18