Recent publications

Policies on irregular migrants - Volume IV: Spain and the United Kingdom (2010)

Author(s) : Rosa Aparicio, José Maria Ruiz de Huidobro De Carlos, Colin Manchip


Irregular migrants, who by definition are in an unlawful situation, face insecurity on a daily basis. This prompted the Council of Europe's European Committee on Migration (CDMG) to assess the policy and practice in member states. The aim of the exercise was to identify and evaluate national experiences regarding regularisation proceedings and to draw up proposals for dealing with irregular migration and improving co-operation between countries of origin and host countries.

Volumes I and II cover five countries that participated in the first series of evaluations: Armenia, Germany, Greece, Italy and the Russian Federation.

Volume III and IV include reports prepared within the second series and cover five other countries: France, Poland, Portugal, Spain and the United Kingdom.

Policies on irregular migrants - Volume III: France, Portugal and Poland (2010)

Author(s) : Marnia Belhadj, Nuno Piçarra, Francisco Borges, Anna Kicinger


Irregular migrants, who by definition are in an unlawful situation, face insecurity on a daily basis. This prompted the Council of Europe's European Committee on Migration (CDMG) to assess the policy and practice in member states. The aim of the exercise was to identify and evaluate national experiences regarding regularisation proceedings and to draw up proposals for dealing with irregular migration and improving co-operation between countries of origin and host countries.

Volumes I and II cover five countries that participated in the first series of evaluations: Armenia, Germany, Greece, Italy and the Russian Federation.

Volume III and IV include reports prepared within the second series and cover five other countries: France, Poland, Portugal, Spain and the United Kingdom.

ISBN 978-92-871-6572-5

Economic migration, social cohesion and development: towards an integrated approach (2009)

Author(s) : Patrick Taran with Irina Ivakhnyuk, Maria da Conceição Pereira Ramos and Arno Tanner


In the final declaration of their 8th conference, the European ministers responsible for migration affairs committed to promoting and protecting the human rights of migrants, with special attention to gender equality and the rights of women; to strengthening dialogue and co-operation between receiving, transit and origin countries, particularly within Europe; and to promoting coherence at all levels (international, national, regional and local) between migration, development and integration policies.

The ministers also agreed to manage economic migration with a view to promoting economic and social progress in receiving, transit and origin countries; to enhance social cohesion by improving the integration of migrants and persons of immigrant background and the re-integration of migrants who return to their countries of origin; and to strengthen the contribution of migrants and persons of immigrant background to development in receiving and origin countries and their involvement in co-development programmes.

This report was prepared to support the ministerial debate during the conference. It presents the main aspects and characteristics of migration in the member states of the Council of Europe, analyses policy challenges raised by contemporary migration and identifies an integrated policy agenda.

ISBN 978-92-871-6645-6

Access to justice for migrants and asylum seekers in Europe (2009)

Author(s) : Jeremy McBride


Further to the 28th Conference of European Ministers of Justice (Lanzarote, Spain, 25-26 October 2007), the Council of Europe has continued working on access to justice for migrants and asylum seekers.

This publication contains an assessment of the situation faced by this vulnerable category of persons in accessing justice. It deals in particular with the identification of measures - both existing and new - for facilitating and ensuring such access for these people.

Migrants and co-development - Recommendation Rec(2007)10 and explanatory memorandum (2008)


The links between migration and development are high on the political agendas of countries of origin and host countries. Many migrants are interested in contributing to development in their countries of origin. What can be done to help them?

Recommendation Rec(2007)10 on co-development and migrants working for development in their countries of origin provides a detailed policy framework for member states of the Council of Europe to help contribute to the success of migrants' development projects and initiatives and help ensure that they have a real and lasting effect on development in their countries of origin. It includes both general principles and practical measures concerning issues, from questions of part¬nership building and mobility to project support and training.


Life projects for unaccompanied migrant minors - Recommendation Rec(2007)9 and explanatory memorandum (2008)


Recommendation Rec(2007)9 on life projects for unaccompanied migrant minors stresses the importance of placing the best interests of the child at the heart of all government policy and practice in this area.

A life project is an individual tool based on a joint undertaking between the child and the relevant authorities for a limited duration. It defines the child's future prospects, promotes his or her best interests without discrimination and provides a long-term response to his or her needs. Each project aims to develop the capacities of the child, allowing him or her to acquire and strengthen the skills necessary to become independent, responsible and active in society. Life projects should seek to promote the social integration of the child and his or her personal and cultural development, as well as to open access to housing, health, studies, vocational training and employment.

The recommendation is also aimed at improving the capacities of member states to manage migration of unaccompanied migrant children. It underlines the importance of co-operation between all the countries involved and co-ordination by the relevant authorities.

ISBN 978-92-871-6399-8

The Euro-Mediterranean migration system (2008)

Author(s) : Stéphane de Tapia


The Euro-Mediterranean region can be seen as the focal point for movements between south and north. Starting with this observation, the author addresses the migration problems of the countries on the northern shore of the Mediterranean and the immigration countries of the European Union, which recruit labour from the southern shore (for example, Moroccans working in France, Belgium and Great Britain, Turks in Germany, France, Benelux and Scandinavia, Algerians in France and Tunisians in France and Italy). He also deals with the new immigration countries on the northern shore (Spain, Italy and Greece), as well as the emigration and transit countries of the southern and eastern shores.

This work is intended to provide the reader with a critical overview of the existing literature on the theme of "co-development" based on sources in various languages, highlighting matters likely to form part of needs of both immigration countries and countries of origin, and taking account of the questions raised by the experts.

ISBN 978-92-871-6397-4

Policies on irregular migrants - Volume I: Italy and Germany (2008)

Author(s) : Laura Zanfrini, Winfried Kluth


The insecurity which irregular migrants face on a daily basis because of the unlawfulness of their residence prompted the European Committee on Migration (CDMG) to assess their situation in Council of Europe member states. The aim of the exercise was to pool national experiences and evaluate them and also to draw up possible proposals on dealing with irregular migrants and improving co-operation between countries of origin and host countries.

Five countries volunteered (Armenia, Germany, Greece, Italy and the Russian Federation) and submitted some aspects of their national policies on the situation of irregular migrants for evaluation.

The first volume contains a summary chapter (objectives, methodology, lessons to be drawn, etc) and the national reports of Italy and Germany.

ISBN 978-92-871-6401-8

Policies on irregular migrants, Volume II - Republic of Armenia, Greece, Russian Federation (2008)

Author(s) : Vardan P.Gevorgyan, Jennifer Cavounidis, Irina V.Ivakhnyuk


The insecurity which irregular migrants face on a daily basis because of the unlaw¬fulness of their residence prompted the European Committee on Migration (CDMG) to assess their situation in Council of Europe member states. The aim of the exercise was to pool and evaluate national experience and to draw up proposals on dealing with irregular migrants and improving co-operation between countries of origin and host countries.

Five countries volunteered - Armenia, Germany, Greece, Italy and the Russian Federation - and submitted some aspects of their national policies regarding the situation of irregular migrants for evaluation.

After volume I, which contains a summary of the project and the national reports of Italy and Germany, volume II looks at the situation of irregular migrants in Armenia, Greece and the Russian Federation.

ISBN 978-92-871-6217-5

Asylum and the European Convention on Human Rights (2007)

Author(s) : Nuala Mole


Political upheavals, economic reforms, social instability and civil war have all been factors contributing to changes in the mixed flows of migrants both to and within Europe. Many of those in need of international protection are forced to seek it in Europe and the new member states of the enlarged Council of Europe are now also experiencing the arrival of asylum seekers.

This revised edition considers the substantial body of case law of the European Court of Human Rights which has examined the compatibility of the Convention with measures taken by states in relation to all aspects of the asylum process. It also observes the role of subsidiary protection offered by the Strasbourg organs in protecting those at risk of prohibited treatment. In addition, the study considers the increasingly relevant provisions of EU law developments in the field, as well as measures taken in the context of terrorist threats – both of which have had a significant impact on the practical circumstances and law on refugees and asylum seekers.

ISBN 10 92-871-5879-7
ISBN 13 978-92-871-5879-6

Irregular migrants: access to minimum social rights (2006)

Author(s) : Ryszard Cholewinski


Illegally resident immigrants are a particularly vulnerable group within European societies. This publication aims to identify the minimum rights to be granted to such persons, placing the emphasis on protecting social rights in the host countries.

This book examines the issues in the light of the Council of Europe’s concern to promote human rights, maintain social cohesion and prevent racism and xenophobia, and pinpoints a number of political difficulties encountered by governments.

The author considers each of these minimum rights in the light of the relevant international human rights instruments, including those adopted by the Council of Europe. He also looks at obstacles to access by illegal migrants to a minimum standard of protection in terms of each of these rights, referring to various examples of legislation and practice adopted by selected member States of the Council of Europe.

ISBN10 92-871-5748-0
ISBN13 978-92-871-5748-5

Current trends in international migration in Europe (2005)

Author(s) : John Salt


By virtue of their regularity and continuity over the last decade, the Council of Europe reports on migrations provide an account of how European international migration has evolved since the great political changes of 1989-91. Based on numerous tables and figures, this book studies migration statistics, stocks of foreign population, flows of foreign population, labour migration, the problem of asylum, migration of expertise, irregular migration and recent initiatives in international co-operation.

John Salt is Professor of Geography at the University College London (UCL). He is director of the migration Research Unit at UCL and co-director of the Leverhulme Programme on The Movement of People in the Modern World.

ISBN10 92-871-5409-0
ISBN13 978-92-871-5409-5

The legal status of migrants admitted for employment - A comparative study of law and practice in selected European states (2005)

Author(s) : Ryszard Cholewinski


Recent trends indicate that European countries are admitting more foreign workers to fill labour shortages caused by ageing populations and increasing globalisation. The changing labour environment is reflected in the advent of new technologies, different labour standards giving rise to an increase in self-employed economic activities, and a greater diversity in working times and practices.

Consequently, some European countries have adopted new laws and policies in order to attract both highly-skilled and less skilled foreign workers. However, the legal status of these migrants has become a matter of concern. The new measures do not entirely meet the established principles and standards of the Council of Europe aimed at protecting the rights of migrant workers, such as those of the European Social Charter and the European Convention on the Legal Status of Migrant Workers.

This study focuses on the rules relating to the legal status of the main categories of migrant workers admitted for employment in some Council of Europe member states. It considers the important question of whether these national rules are structured in a way to assist migrants in their integration in the host country, in terms of granting them a secure residence status and economic and social rights, or whether they discourage or even prevent such integration.

ISBN 10 92-871-5300-0
ISBN 13 978-92-871-5300-5

New patterns of irregular migration in Europe (2004)

Author(s) : Stéphane de Tapia


Irregular migrants are doubly victims. Leaving a difficult, sometimes impossible situation in their country of origin, they are often confronted with serious deficiencies in reception and migration policy management. New patterns of irregular migration in Europe provides an overview of the complex and interrelated issues linked to irregular migration, such as clandestine/illegal migration, requests for and refusal of asylum, and traffic in human beings.

ISBN10 92-871-5453-8
ISBN13 978-92-871-5453-8

International labour migration (Population studies No. 44) (2004)

Author(s) : John Salt, James Clarke, Philippe Wanner


This report identifies the main characteristics of European labour migration flows and their trends. First, it discusses different concepts and definitions of labour migrant. The report goes on to review the geographical, demographic and occupational characteristics and trends of labour migrant flows, including flows of irregular labour migrants. The report concludes with a summary of how labour migration flows are managed by administrations.

ISBN 10 92-871-5360-4
ISBN 13 978-92-871-5360-9

Preventing Illegal Immigration : Juggling Economic Imperatives, Political Risks and Individual Rights (2004)

Author(s) : Claude-Valentin Marie


Every day unknown numbers of people take the hazardous route of irregular migration. Men, women, and children pay a high price to leave their homes in search of a better place elsewhere; more often than not, forced to do so by events outside their control, such as poverty, violence and war or natural disaster and environmental damage.

Developing countries in the south are pushed by the processes of globalisation towards monocultures that are dependant on demand from their developed neighbours in the north, a dependency that threaten and puts at risk the livelihoods of their workers.

Claude-Valentin Marie has sought to situate the flows of irregular migration within the structural context of globalisation, seeking to balance the needs of social and economic policy and human rights.

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