MOLICO - Project against corruption, money laundering and the financing of terrorism in Moldova

2.1 Relevant legislation in line with international standards and best practices

Major changes to AML/CTF legislation were introduced, making the national AML/CTF system compliant with international standards. Some changes were induced by negative reactions from the international bodies on the controversial tax amnesty.
The compliance enhancing procedure of MONEYVAL was lifted in December 2007.
Moldova is requested to provide the progress report to MONEYVAL by the December 2008 Plenary.

Legislation | Expertise

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2.2 Competencies, status and organisational set-up of the FIU in line with Moneyval recommendations and international best practices

The FIU of Moldova is fully operational and capable of exchange of information with other FIUs. The FIU is an Egmont Group member, which opens up possibilities to exchange information with more than 100 Egmont FIUs.
The project started the development of a number of guides for the FIU which provide recommendations and best practices on FIU procedures.

Legislation | Expertise

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2.3 System of collection, processing, analysis, protection and exchange of information on transactions designed and procured for the FIU

IT equipment procurement was initiated.
Servers and printers are delivered.
Visit of IT experts to Moldova so as to prepare specifications for CCCEC security equipment and exchange of information with other agencies.

Legislation | Expertise

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2.4 Capacity of the FIU to co-operate with the FIUs of other countries in accordance with the Egmont Group standards will have increased

FIU is capable of co-operating with foreign FIUs, especially with police FIUs, but not on clearly.
Study visit to FIUs of the Netherlands, Poland, Italy established formal procedures.

Legislation | Expertise
Activities: Study visit Brussels / Cyprus

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2.5 National AML/CTF strategy including effective mechanisms to ensure co-operation between the FIU and law enforcement, criminal justice and regulatory authorities adopted and implemented

The National Strategy and Action Plan-2007 were adopted.
Interagency workgroup in AML area was approved by the CCCEC order.
Action Plan 2008 has been adopted in June 2008.

AML Strategy and Action Plan

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2.6 Capacity of obliged entities and their regulators and supervisors to meet their obligations under the AML/CTF legislation will have increased

- AML/CFT Training for Financial Markets Commission
- AML/CFT Training for securities companies
- AML/CFT Training for insurance companies
- AML/CFT Conference on Risk-Based Approach for banks
- AML/CFT Training for notaries
- Publication of book of AML/CFT legislation

Legislation | Expertise November 2007, February 2008

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2.7. Capacity of law enforcement and judicial bodies to meet their obligations under the AML/CTF legislation will have increased

- AML/CFT Training for judges and prosecutors
- goCase software demonstration
- Visit of three CCCEC specialists to software exhibition Docflow-2008 (Moscow)
- Expert mission to evaluate needs of special investigation means

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