Support to the anti-corruption strategy of Georgia GEPAC

Contact in Headquarters (Strasbourg)

Natalia Kravchenko
Project Manager
Corruption and Fraud Unit Economic Crime Division
Directorate General of Human Rights and Legal Affairs
Council of Europe
67075 Strasbourg Cedex, France
: + 33 (0)3 90 21 47 77
: + 33 (0)3 90 21 56 50
: [email protected]

Fabienne Schaeffer-Lopez
Senior Project Assistant
: [email protected]

Sorina Bobu
Junior Project Assistant
: [email protected]

Project Team in Chisinau

Mr Cornel-Virgiliu Calinescu
National Long-term Adviser on the anti-corruption component
: [email protected]

Mr Oleksiy Feshchenko
Team-Leader and Long-term Adviser on the AML-CFT component
: [email protected]

Mrs Tatiana Cojocaru
Project Legal Adviser
: [email protected]

Mr Valentin Vataman
Local Financial Officer
: [email protected]

Project Office
198, Stefan cel Mare si Sfant Avenue
(CCCEC), office 218
Council of Europe
MOLICO-Moldova Project