Weitere Events
Im Rahmen des Gipfels der Staats- und Regierungschefs finden zahlreiche Veranstaltungen in Warschau statt, die der Öffentlichkeit zugänglich sind, unter anderem Konferenzen, Seminare und Ausstellungen sowie die traditionelle Schuman-Parade, die dieses Jahr dem Europarat gewidmet ist

Rede von Terry Davis über die Rolle des Europarates beim Aufbau eines demokratischen Europas
''Das humanistische Erbe Europas und seine gemeinsamen Werte an jeden in Europa und darüber hinaus weiterzugeben, es jedem zu ermöglichen, auf der Grundlage von Gleichheit und gegenseitiger Achtung zu leben: das ist das Mandat, das ich mir vom Warschauer Gipfel für den Europarat in den kommenden Jahren wünsche.'' Dies sagte Generalsekretär Terry Davis am 14. Mai bei der Konferenz zum Thema "Europa der Bürger - Die politische Architektur Europas und der Einfluss der Bürger" im Warschauer Belvedere-Palast.
Rede [en]
Weitere Informationen zur Konferenz
Generalsekretär des Europarates marschiert für Europa
Ein Tag vor dem Gipfel der Staats- und Regierungschefs des Europarates in Warschau haben Generalsekretär Terry Davis und die Generalsekretärin Maud de Boer-Buquicchio an der 12. Schuman-Parade teilgenommen. Zehntausende säumten bei diesem Anlass die Straßen der polnischen Hauptstadt. (weiter...)
Programm der Schuman-Parade


12. Polnische Europäische Treffen
15. Mai - Polnische Robert-Schuman-Stiftung in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Informationsbüro des Europarates

Konferenz „Enforcement of axiology of the European Union with special reference to the European Convention on Human Rights”
14. Mai - Informationsbüro des Europarates

Seminar „Polish Concepts of European Integration and their Authors, 1939 – 1980”
13. Mai - Informationsbüro des Europarates

Außerordentliches Treffen des Verbindungsausschusses Internationaler Nichtregierungsorganisationen
13. Mai
- Informationsbüro des Europarates

Jugend-Workshop über Global Education in Polen
13. Mai - Nord-Süd-Zentrum des Europarates

Konferenz “United Europe and its languages - between cultural diversity and common languages: Present and future challenges of multilingualism in the EU”
8. Mai - Warschauer Campus des College of Europe

Kongress der Wirtschafts-Universitäten 2005
20.-22. Mai - Warschauer School of Economics

VI Konferenz des Runden Tisches
„ Poland on the way to the information society”: Information Society in Europe – time of transformations, time of actions
12. Mai - Vereinigung polnischer Elektoringenieure

Polish European Meetings, organised by the Polish Foundation of Robert Schuman since 1994 is an undertaking which provides an opportunity for pro-European circles from all over Poland to get in touch with each other on a regular basis. The objective of the Polish European Meetings is to promote the idea of civil society and encourage pro-European activity.

The 12th Polish European Meetings, i.e. the Schuman Parade will take place on Sunday, May 15th and will relate to the Polish-German Year, Ukrainian Year in Poland , Polish Presidency in the Council of Europe and European Year of Civil Education. The 12th Polish European Meetings are an event accompanying the 3rd Summit of the Council of Europe in Warsaw .

Program of 12th Polish European Meetings:

•  Grand opening at the Constitution Square at 1 p.m.

•  March of the Schuman Parade from the Constitution Square along Marszalkowska Street to the Palace of Culture and Science.

•  The European Town near the Palace of Culture and Science, including:

•  Everything about Europe , i.e. information stands of European non-governmental organisations and public institutions from Poland and all over Europe

•  Summing up of the first year of membership in the EU in European School Clubs

•  Competitions, European seminars, simulation games, workshops, quizes, presentations and dance courseS, street theatres, performances of musical assemblies and many other attractions

•  In the evening we plan a rock concert lead by Robert Leszczynski and a film show „Dwarfs go to Ukraine ” (dir. M. Dembinski)

Further information: www.schuman.org.pl

Media patrons of the 12th Polish European Meetings:
Cogito, Gazeta Wyborcza, Gazeta PL, NGO PL portal, RMF FM, TVP, Victor Gimnazjalista, Warsaw Voice

Partners of the 12th Polish European Meetings: Embassy of Ukraine in Poland, Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Office of the Committee for European Integration, European Parlament, Information Office of the Council of Europe , Foundation for Polish-German Co-operation, Foundation for Capital Market Education, Stock Exchange, Polish National Bank, PAUCI – Polish-American-Ukrainian Co-operation Initiative, Polish-German Youth Co-operation

Konferenz „Enforcement of axiology of the European Union with special reference to the European Convention on Human Rights”
14. Mai - Informationsbüro des Europarates

Conference „Enforcement of axiology of the European Union with special reference to the European Convention on Human Rights” co-organized with High School of Economics and Ministry of Foreign Affairs, will take place 12 May in Belweder Palace . The debate will deal with catalogue of values that are the base for the European Union and in this context, the meaning of the European Convention on Human Rights that is not only the great achievement of the Council of Europe, but also the part of the law of the European Union.

The conference is addressed to politicians, lawyers, scientists interested in European integration matters. For invited guests only.  

Seminar „Polish Concepts of European Integration and their Authors, 1939 – 1980”
13. Mai - Informationsbüro des Europarates

Seminar on „Polish Concepts of European Integration and their Authors, 1939 – 1980” , co- organized with the Polish Council of the European Movement – it will open a series of debates on European integration. It will offer an opportunity to present and highlight the Polish contribution to the idea of European integration, including that of Józef Retinger – a pioneer of integration and its institutions. Among the expected seminar participants are eminent experts on the history of the Polish concepts of European integration, representing Warsaw University , the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Central-East Europe Institute.

The seminar will take place on 13th May 2005 at Warsaw University . It is addressed to scholars, students and politicians interested in the history of European integration.

Außerordentliches Treffen des Verbindungsausschusses Internationaler Nichtregierungsorganisationen
13. Mai
- Informationsbüro des Europarates

Extraordinary Meeting of the Liaison Committee of International Non-governmental Organisations (INGOs) enjoying participatory status with the Council of Europe.

This event is organized by the Liaison Committee, the Directorate General of Political Affairs, with the assistance of the Council of Europe Information Office in Warsaw .

The Liaison Committee is the representative organ of the Council of Europe's INGO Conference, which is made up of 374 INGOs enjoying participatory status with the Council of Europe. Among the 60 participants, there will be representatives of the Liaison Committee, Presidents of INGO thematic Groupings, national branches of INGOs enjoying participatory status (from Central and Eastern Europe), national NGOs with which the Directorate General of Political Affairs has co-operated in the implementation of assistance programs in Central and Eastern Europe, and some local NGOs. The general theme of the meeting is “INGOs – actors of a Europe without frontiers”. The subject will be addressed by the keynote speaker during the first plenary session, and its practical implications will be dealt with in the parallel workshops.

The objective of the meeting is to identify means of collective action of INGOs within the Council of Europe and in Europe , e.g. through interaction with Council of Europe bodies, networking, combination of action at national and European levels etc.

The expected outcome is the adoption by the INGOs of a concrete plan of action for the next five years. An extraordinary meeting of the Liaison Committee of INGOs will be held at Warsaw University on 14th May 2005 . The participants will meet at the Warsaw Ghetto monument on the morning of 15th May and then will participate in the Schuman Parade.

Jugend-Workshop über Global Education in Polen
13. Mai - Nord-Süd-Zentrum des Europarates

The North-South Centre of the Council of Europe together with the Swietokrzyskie Center of the Foundation in Support of Local Democracy, the Polish National Youth Agency and the Youth Department of the Ministry of Education, organises on May 13th, 2005 , a one-day Youth Workshop on Global Education in Poland .

The workshop will welcome a group of 15-20 Polish youth workers engaged in youth educational activities, who are interested in strengthening the global dimension of their youth work and developing of additional global education activities in Poland .

The workshop will introduce different concepts of global education and explore its relevance in the Polish youth work context; and encourage the development of a support network for youth workers running educational activities with a global dimension. Participants will have an opportunity to debate the already existing global dimension of their activities, as well as challenges and opportunities for developing global education activities in youth work in Poland .

The workshop will take place in Centrum Partnerstwa Spolecznego – Dialog, Ministry of Labour and Economy, ul. Limanowskiego 23, Warszawa , Poland between 9.30 and 19.00. This workshop is part of the Programme for Strengthening Global Development Education in Visegrad countries, supported by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

On Saturday, 14th May, 2005 , the group will join a Debate on the Role of Youth in Society: „Citizenship, YOUTH, Europe ”, which will take place as part of the JOINT Programme in the Polish Senate.

Konferenz “United Europe and its languages - between cultural diversity and common languages: Present and future challenges of multilingualism in the EU”
8. Mai - Warschauer Campus des College of Europe

8/5/2005 , the Chair of European Civilisation, based on the Warsaw campus of the College of Europe, organizes an international conference on the language diversity in the EU. In partnership with some cultural institutes present in Warsaw , this conference will be held at the Radisson Hotel, from 9h30 till 17h00 and speakers include Prof. Geremek ( Warsaw ), Prof. Hagege ( Paris ), Prof. Miodunka ( Krakow ), Prof. de Swaan ( Amsterdam ) and other prominent European academic figures.

A year after its reunification brought by the 2004 EU enlargement, Europe is facing increasingly difficult challenges, which are not all institutions related: with more and more languages, the management of the cultural diversity is more complex than ever. Indeed, the European civilisation cultural richness stems mostly from its multiple languages and cultures, but the struggle between political efficiency and the ambition to build a truly multilingual area makes multilingualism a very sensitive and rather timely issue.

Contact: [email protected]
[email protected]
Additional information : www.chair.coleurop.pl/Conferences/konf/languages/titles.html

Kongress der Wirtschafts-Universitäten 2005
20.-22. Mai - Warschauer School of Economics

On 20-22 nd May 2005 at Warsaw School of Economics, celebrating its 100 Anniversary, the first meeting of the students of the most prestigious Economic Universities in Poland will take place.

During the Congress the most important issues concerning the situation of Polish economy in three dimensions will be touched: microeconomics, macroeconomics and international economic relations. Aim of the congress is to elaborate on students' vision of essential improvements to Polish economy, considering its possibilities and limitations.

Sixty invited students will work in groups of over a dozen, which will be moderated by scientific workers of Warsaw School of Economics. On the basis of lectures given by professors of WSE, and it will conclude with a debate of students and personalities of the political and economical world accompanied by the presentation of works' effects.

We have invited for our event such personalities as: Leszek Balcerowicz, Marek Belka, Henryka Bochniarz, Wlodzimierz Cimoszewicz, Miroslaw Gronicki, Jerzy Hausner, Danuta Hubner, Grzegorz Kolodko, Tadeusz Mazowiecki, Andrzej Olechowski, Jacek Piechota, Dariusz Rosatti, Representative of Adam Smith Center and professor Zbigniew Sadowski – President of Polish Economic Society.  

Additional information is provided on the web site www.esghieha.pl/lue2005/

VI Konferenz des Runden Tisches
Poland on the way to the information society”: Information Society in Europe – time of transformations, time of actions
12. Mai - Vereinigung polnischer Elektoringenieure

The Association of Polish Electrical Engineers (SEP) organizes every year the Round Table Conference „ Poland on the way to the information society”. Among those who participate in this conference there are representatives of the Parliament, Government, local governments, NGOs, the world of economy, science and public media.

This year's conference will be held on the 12th of May. In the formal part there is foreseen the address of the President of the Republic of Poland, the message of the speaker of the Seym (lower chamber of the Parliament), the speech of the Minister of Infrastructure, Minister of Science and Informatisation and the message of the President of SEP.

In the panel discussion the following issues are to be discussed:

- knowledge as the main resource of the information society,

- European cultural identity in the information society,

- systems of automatic translation as a tool of European integration,

- free software and the new order in the scope of information,

- revolution in administration – e-document and organization,

- technological neutrality of the country and interoperationality of administrative systems,

- a citizen in the information society – human being as a Person, being a subject, not an object of the law,

- information society for everybody – infrastructural conditions.

During the conference there is also to take place the signing of the Message addressed to the Council of Europe, which deals with the development of the information society in European countries. The Message will be signed by the NGOs interested in the information societies issues.