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17 maja 2005
16 maja 2005
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Poster exhibition “50 years of cultural exhibitions of the Council of Europe”

14th – 17th May

Information Office of the Council of Europe

Poster exhibition “50 years of cultural exhibitions of the Council of Europe”, presenting the history of the promotion of European culture by the Council of Europe since 1954, through annual art exhibitions.

In 1954, the Council of Europe invited all the European states to join its Cultural Convention. Since then, it has organized 28 exhibitions in several European countries, demonstrating the unity of European art and instilling a sense of belonging to a wide European culture. During those 50 years, the Council of Europe has managed to create a comprehensive review of the history of European art. Also highlighted were some of the outstanding historic figures who had left their mark on the cultural life of Europe.

The exhibitions held in the late 1980s and the 1990s years of profound social and political changes explored the relationship between society and art, between political and economic power and artistic creation. At the same time, art exhibitions do far more than display unique works of art, they also stimulate collaboration between scholars and museums throughout Europe.

The poster exhibition will take place at Warsaw University, on 14th - 17th May 2005. It is addressed to the general public, but also to the staff, students and guests of the University, as well as the participants in the Meeting of International Non-Governmental Organizations scheduled at the University on 14th and 15th May 2005.