Conférence des Ministres européens des collectivités locales et régionales

Ministerial Conference

Conference of European Ministers responsible for Local and Regional Government
16-17 November, Utrecht

''Good local and regional governance in turbulent times: the challenge of change''

Meeting at the invitation of the Dutch authorities, the Ministers responsible for Local and Regional Government of the Council of Europe countries concluded their proceedings with the adoption of the Utrecht Declaration, a document emphasising the leading role to be performed by local and regional authorities in ending the economic and financial crisis. In this context, the Ministers drew particular attention to the respective roles of local authorities and central governments, stressing the responsibility of the latter for guaranteeing the resources of local authorities.

The Ministers also considered the state of transfrontier and interterritorial co-operation, reaffirming their commitment to reduce or eliminate the practical and legal obstacles restricting transfrontier co-operation. Protocol No. 3 to the European Outline Convention on Transfrontier Co-operation opened for signature by states on the occasion of the conference constitutes an innovative legal instrument capable of furthering the reinforcement of transfrontier and interterritorial co-operation.

In their Declaration, the Ministers adopted the Utrecht Agenda on the establishment of good local and regional governance for 2010-2013, identifying specific challenges of great common significance. Among these may be mentioned the management of the financial/economic crisis, the low level of democratic participation in public life at the local and regional levels, and increasing the organisational effectiveness of local and regional authorities’ governance. (more...)

Reference sites
Congress of Local and Regional Authorities
Local and Regional Democracy
About the Conference
More information
Message by Thorbjørn Jagland
Photo gallery
Ian Micallef
Alan Meale
Jean-Claude Frécon
Ank Bijleveld
Keith Whitmore
Van Cauwenberghe

Updated: Nov. 2009