
<font color='#55563B' size='2'>Pointers for overcoming obstacles to inter-regional cooperation in Europe</font>

Pointers for overcoming obstacles to inter-regional cooperation in Europe  [14/10/2014]

The Congress adopted a resolution and a recommendation on 14 October 2014 on 'Inter-regional cooperation in Europe: Trends and prospects'. The report, presented by Stewart Dickson (United Kingdom, ILDG) and examined in the Chamber of Regions, proposed a number of avenues for extending this kind of cooperation to all the regions of Europe. The adopted texts, referring to Protocol no. 3 to the Madrid Convention, call on the States to encourage their regional authorities to develop this cooperation, support the representation of regions within international bodies and promote the opening of representation offices in other countries by those regions seeking to do so. They also propose stock-taking of the obstacles that subsist, as well as the setting up of a database registering all the initiatives in this field. An international conference on this topic could be organised in 2015. 


Des pistes pour lever les obstacles � la coop�ration interr�gionale en Europe  [14/10/2014]

Le Congr�s a adopt�, le 14 octobre 2014, une r�solution et une recommandation sur � La coop�ration interr�gionale en Europe : Tendances et perspectives �. Examin� en Chambre des r�gions et pr�sent� par Stewart Dickson (Royaume-Uni, GILD), le rapport propose plusieurs pistes visant � �largir ce type de coop�ration � l�ensemble des r�gions d�Europe. Les textes adopt�s, se r�f�rant au Protocole n�3 de la Convention de Madrid, appellent les Etats � encourager leurs autorit�s r�gionales � d�velopper cette coop�ration, � soutenir la repr�sentation des r�gions au sein des instances internationales et � faciliter, pour les r�gions qui le souhaitent, l�ouverture de bureaux de repr�sentation dans d�autres pays. Ils proposent �galement de proc�der � un recensement des obstacles qui subsistent, ainsi que la cr�ation d�une base de donn�es recensant les initiatives en la mati�re. Une conf�rence internationale sur ce th�me pourrait �tre organis�e en 2015. 
