
<font color='#55563B' size='2'>The Alliance and ROMACT identify reinforcing political will and building administrative capacities for Roma inclusion at local and regional level as essential to a successful integration of Roma</font>

The Alliance and ROMACT identify reinforcing political will and building administrative capacities for Roma inclusion at local and regional level as essential to a successful integration of Roma  [13/10/2014]

�The willingness and deliberateness of local elected officials is absolutely crucial to the integration of Roma,� stated Herwig van Staa, Congress President at the High level conference of ROMACT in Brussels, on 3 October 2014, after one year of implementation. �Much too often local governments feel sceptical about the chances to achieve progress in this area, and this is mainly due to the fact that they do not see how it can be achieved. ROMACT has been making efforts on developing and implementing actions to overcome weak political will of local decision makers and to build up competencies of local administrations to favour Roma inclusion.� The Congress President also took the opportunity to talk about the future of ROMACT and the Alliance: �ROMACT, ROMED and the Alliance for Roma Inclusion are all initiatives that not only complement each other, but also would benefit from a stronger mutual link. The Congress would like to start a thinking process of building a joint package for all three initiatives.� 


Selon l�Alliance et ROMACT, le renforcement de la volont� politique et des capacit�s administratives en faveur de l�inclusion des Roms aux niveaux local et r�gional est fondamental pour leur bonne int�gration  [13/10/2014]

� La volont� et la d�termination des �lus locaux sont indispensables pour l�int�gration des Roms �, a d�clar� Herwig van Staa, Pr�sident du Congr�s, le 3 octobre 2014 � Bruxelles, dans le cadre de la Conf�rence � haut niveau - ROMACT, organis�e un an apr�s le lancement du projet. � Bien trop souvent, les autorit�s locales sont sceptiques sur les chances de d�accomplir des progr�s dans ce domaine. Mais ceci est principalement li� au fait qu�elles ne savent pas comment proc�der. Le programme ROMACT s�efforce de concevoir et de mettre en �uvre des initiatives destin�es � rem�dier � la faible volont� politique des d�cideurs locaux et � renforcer les comp�tences des administrations locales en faveur de l�inclusion des Roms. � Le Pr�sident du Congr�s a �galement profit� de cette occasion pour aborder l�avenir de ROMACT et de l�Alliance. Il a ainsi d�clar� : � ROMACT, ROMED et l�Alliance europ�enne des villes et des r�gions pour l�inclusion des Roms sont d�j� des initiatives compl�mentaires, mais gagneraient � renforcer leurs liens. Aussi le Congr�s souhaiterait-il engager un processus de r�flexion en vue d�inscrire les trois initiatives dans une m�me dynamique. � 

Discours (anglais)