
<font color='#55563B' size='2'>An action plan for cooperation between the Congress and the Assembly of European Regions</font>

An action plan for cooperation between the Congress and the Assembly of European Regions  [25/03/2014]

The Congress and the Assembly of European Regions (AER) signed a cooperation agreement on 25 March 2014, during the 26th session of the Congress. In particular, the agreement provides for a joint programme of action for 2014-2015, with the aim of strengthening the institutional role of local and regional authorities in Europe and cooperating in areas of common interest, which will boost the complementarity of the two bodies' activities. The agreement also provides for regular meetings between the presidents of the two organisations and their secretaries general. 'The action plan for 2014-2015 will enable us to focus our cooperation on topical issues for regions, such as responding to the economic crisis and the participation of young generations in political life', said Congress president Herwig van Staa at the signing ceremony.  

Un plan d�action pour la coop�ration entre le Congr�s et l�Assembl�e des R�gions d�Europe  [25/03/2014]

Le Congr�s et l�Assembl�e des R�gions d�Europe (ARE) ont sign� un accord de coop�ration, le 25 mars 2014, lors de la 26e Session du Congr�s. Cet accord pr�voit notamment un programme d�action conjoint pour 2014-2015. L�objectif est de renforcer le r�le institutionnel des autorit�s locales et r�gionales en Europe et de coop�rer sur des sujets d�int�r�t commun, ce qui permettra d�accroitre la compl�mentarit� entre leurs activit�s. L�accord pr�voit �galement des rencontres r�guli�res entre les pr�sidents des deux organisations, et leurs secr�taires g�n�raux. � Le plan d�action pour 2014-2015 permettra de concentrer notre coop�ration sur des questions d�actualit� pour les r�gions, telles que les r�ponses � la crise �conomique et la participation des jeunes g�n�rations � la vie politique�, a d�clar� Herwig van Staa, pr�sident du Congr�s lors de la c�r�monie de signature.