
<font color='#55563B' size='2'>San Marino ratifies the Charter of Local Self-Government: uniting the European local democracy family</font>

San Marino ratifies the Charter of Local Self-Government: uniting the European local democracy family  [29/10/2013]

At a ceremony held during the 25th Session of the Congress, Giancarlo Venturini, Minister for Home Affairs, Civil Service, Justice and Relations with Municipal Councils of San Marino, deposited the instruments of ratification of the European Charter of Local Self-Government, which was approved by the San Marino Parliament on 23 October last. 'This historic day marks the end of a long process to establish a harmonized legislative space for European territorial democracy' stated M. Venturini. With this ratification, all 47 member states of the Council of Europe are now covered by this international treaty. This is a crucial stage which, 25 years on from the entry into force of the Charter, confirms the unanimous recognition by governments of local democracy as the cornerstone of the democratic system. [Photo: (from left to right) Giancarlo Venturini, Minister of San Marino, and Thorbjorn Jagland, Secretary General of the Council of Europe, Herwig van Staa, President of the Congress, and Jean-Claude Fr�con, President of the Chamber of Local Authorities] 

Press release
Interview with Jean-Claude Fr�con, President of the Chamber of Local Authorities [Video YouTube]
Speech by Herwig van Staa, President of the Congress
Speech by Gianfranco Venturini  

Saint-Marin ratifie la Charte de l�autonomie locale: la famille europ�enne de la d�mocratie locale unifi�e  [29/10/2013]

Lors d�une c�r�monie � l�occasion de la 25�me Session du Congr�s, Giancarlo Venturini, Ministre pour les Affaires Int�rieures, la Fonction publique, la Justice et les Relations avec les conseils municipaux de Saint-Marin a d�pos� les instruments de ratification de la Charte europ�enne de l�autonomie locale, approuv�e par le Parlement de Saint-Marin, le 23 octobre dernier. � Cette journ�e historique marque l�aboutissement d�un long processus visant � �tablir un espace l�gislatif harmonis� pour la d�mocratie territoriale europ�enne � a d�clar� Giancarlo Venturini. Avec cette ratification, c�est d�sormais l�ensemble des 47 Etats membres du Conseil de l�Europe qui sont couverts par ce trait� international. Il s�agit d�une �tape cruciale qui confirme, 25 ans apr�s l�entr�e en vigueur de la Charte, la reconnaissance unanime par les gouvernements de la d�mocratie locale en tant que pierre angulaire de l��difice d�mocratique. [Photo: (de g. � d. ) Giancarlo Venturini, Ministre de Saint-Marin, Thorbjorn Jagland, Secr�taire G�n�ral du Conseil de l'Europe, Herwig van Staa, Pr�sident du Congr�s, et Jean-Claude Fr�con, Pr�sident de la Chambre des pouvoirs locaux] 

Communiqu� de presse
Interview with Jean-Claude Fr�con, pr�sident de la Chambre des pouvoirs locaux [Video YouTube]
Discours de Herwig van Staa, Pr�sident du Congr�s
Discours de Gianfranco Venturini