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<font color='#55563B' size='2'>�High time to translate national strategies into local action�: European Alliance of Cities and Regions for Roma Inclusion was launched in Strasbourg</font>

�High time to translate national strategies into local action�: European Alliance of Cities and Regions for Roma Inclusion was launched in Strasbourg  [21/03/2013]

On 20 March, the European Alliance of Cities and Regions for Roma Inclusion was launched in the framework of the 24th Session of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg. High level representatives from cities and regions as well as international organisations came together to formally start the active phase of the Alliance after the consultation process and two pilot events in 2012 (on housing in Madrid and on education in Budapest).  

Press release
Alliance website
Video of the debate
Video of the debate (original)  

� Il est grand temps de traduire les strat�gies nationales en actions locales � : l�Alliance europ�enne des villes et des r�gions pour l�inclusion des Roms est lanc�e � Strasbourg  [21/03/2013]

Le 20 mars, l�Alliance europ�enne des villes et des r�gions pour l�inclusion des Roms a �t� lanc�e � Strasbourg dans le cadre de la 24e session du Congr�s des pouvoirs locaux et r�gionaux du Conseil de l�Europe. De hauts repr�sentants de villes, de r�gions et d�organisations internationales se sont r�unis pour participer officiellement � la phase active de l�Alliance apr�s un processus de consultation et deux �v�nements pilotes en 2012 (un sur le logement � Madrid et un sur l��ducation � Budapest). 

Communiqu� de presse
Site web de l'Alliance
Vid�o du d�bat
Vid�o du d�bat (original)