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<font color='#55563B' size='2'>Macro-regional co-operation as a way to find pragmatic solutions for common problems</font>

Macro-regional co-operation as a way to find pragmatic solutions for common problems  [18/10/2012]

''Macro-regional co-operation can bring many benefits to public authorities and citizens�, stated Erwin Mohr, (Austria, EPP/CD), Congress Rapporteur on ''Governance of Macro-Regions in Europe'' during a meeting of the Chamber of Regions presenting his Report on Wednesday, 17 October, at the 23rd Congress Session in Strasbourg. The Report says that - in order to develop successful co-operation between territorial authorities in the macro-regional context - the aims of such structures must be realistic and carefully defined. Environmental issues, public transport, education and science but also the common labor market are concrete fields of such co-operation. ''The Congress is well-placed to support and accompany Macro-Regions, by stimulating greater co-operation in the framework of existing projects, addressing common problems and promoting this concept also in exchange with its partners in the intergovernmental sector of the Council of Europe'', concluded Mohr.  (More...)

Report CPR(23)2
Recommendation 331 (2012)
Resolution 349 (2012)  

La coop�ration macro r�gionale : un moyen de trouver des solutions concr�tes � des probl�mes communs  [18/10/2012]

''La coop�ration macro r�gionale peut apporter de nombreux avantages aux pouvoirs publics et aux citoyens'' a affirm� Erwin Mohr (Autriche, PPE/DC), rapporteur du Congr�s sur ''la gouvernance des macro r�gions en Europe'', lors d�une r�union de la Chambre des R�gions, pr�sentant son rapport mercredi 17 octobre, � la 23e session du Congr�s, � Strasbourg. Le rapport indique que, pour mettre en �uvre une coop�ration r�ussie entre les autorit�s territoriales dans le contexte macro r�gional, les objectifs de ces structures doivent �tre r�alistes et clairement d�finis. Les questions environnementales, les transports publics, l��ducation et la science, mais aussi le march� commun du travail, sont les domaines concrets d�une telle coop�ration. ''Le Congr�s est bien plac� pour soutenir et accompagner les macro r�gions, en favorisant une coop�ration accrue pour la r�alisation de projets existants, en traitant les probl�mes communs et en assurant la promotion de ce concept, dans le cadre aussi d�un �change avec ses partenaires du secteur intergouvernemental du Conseil de l'Europe'' a conclu Erwin Mohr.  (More...)

Rapport CPR(23)2
Recommandation 331 (2012)
R�solution 349 (2012)