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<font color='#55563B' size='2'>Round table on recent developments in regionalisation: Progress and limits of regional democracy in Europe</font>

Round table on recent developments in regionalisation: Progress and limits of regional democracy in Europe  [22/03/2012]

While regionalisation in Europe is advancing from year to year, the pace of progress is nevertheless very irregular: this was the focus of the round table discussion on recent developments in regionalisation held on 21 March by the Chamber of Regions of the Council of Europe�s Congress of Local and Regional Authorities. Participants looked at the regionalisation situation in three member states � Belgium, Slovenia and Russia � and in Morocco, a country which as part of the regionalisation process has opted to provide its regions with the resources needed to ensure that they operate more efficiently.  

Video of the debate  

Table ronde sur les �volutions r�centes de la r�gionalisation : Progr�s et limites de la d�mocratie r�gionale en Europe  [22/03/2012]

Si la r�gionalisation de l�Europe progresse d�ann�e en ann�e, son rythme n�en reste pas moins tr�s irr�gulier : tel �tait le th�me d�une table ronde sur les �volutions r�centes de la r�gionalisation organis�e le 21 mars par la Chambre des R�gions du Congr�s des pouvoirs locaux et r�gionaux du Conseil de l�Europe. Les participants ont examin� la situation de la r�gionalisation dans trois Etats membres � Belgique, Slov�nie et Russie - mais aussi au Maroc, pays qui a choisi de r�gionaliser son territoire tout en dotant ses r�gions des moyens pour leur permettre de fonctionner plus efficacement.  

Video du d�bat