
<font color='#55563B' size='2'>Monitoring of grassroots democracy in the Republic of Moldova</font>

Monitoring of grassroots democracy in the Republic of Moldova  [23/03/2012]

The national decentralisation strategy developed by the government of the Republic of Moldova is a sign of this country�s commitment to conducting a thorough reform of local public administration, said the Congress on 22 March 2012 in adopting a recommendation on local and regional democracy in the Republic of Moldova. The report, presented by Francis Lec (SOC, France), was produced following two monitoring visits in September and November 2011. While calling, in its recommendation, on the Moldovan authorities to ensure that local authorities were allocated resources commensurate with their responsibilities and to adopt a new law on the status of the capital, Chi�in�u, the Congress believed that the efforts of the Republic of Moldova should be encouraged, so that the good intentions expressed by the authorities would be translated into action in the future. 


Suivi de la d�mocratie territoriale en R�publique de Moldova  [23/03/2012]

La strat�gie nationale de d�centralisation �labor�e par le gouvernement de la R�publique de Moldova montre la volont� de ce pays de r�former profond�ment l�administration publique locale, a estim� le Congr�s en adoptant, le 22 mars 2012, une recommandation sur la d�mocratie locale et r�gionale en R�publique de Moldova. Le rapport, pr�sent� par Francis Lec (SOC, France), a �t� r�alis� � l�issue de deux visites de monitoring effectu�es en septembre et novembre 2011. Tout en appelant, dans sa recommandation, les autorit�s moldaves � allouer aux autorit�s locales des ressources proportionnelles � leurs comp�tences, mais aussi � adopter une nouvelle loi sur le statut de la capitale, Chisinau, le Congr�s estime que les efforts de la R�publique de Moldova doivent �tre encourag�s, afin que les bonnes intentions affich�es par les autorit�s se concr�tisent dans l�avenir. 
