
<font color='#55563B' size='2'>Monitoring of grassroots democracy in Lithuania</font>

Monitoring of grassroots democracy in Lithuania  [22/03/2012]

Allocation of sufficient resources to local authorities, entrenchment of the principle of subsidiarity in the law on self-government and encouragement of citizens to participate in local affairs are major issues suggested to the Lithuanian authorities by the Congress�s second monitoring report on the situation of local and regional democracy in this country. The report - which was adopted at the 22nd Congress Session - praises, in particular, the guarantees given in the constitution to the right to self-government for local authorities and progress made in consultation procedures between associations of local government and the federal level.  

Video of the debate  

Suivi de la d�mocratie territoriale en Lituanie  [22/03/2012]

Allouer des ressources suffisantes aux collectivit�s locales, inscrire le principe de subsidiarit� dans la loi sur l�autonomie locale et encourager la participation des citoyens au niveau local, telles sont les principales suggestions du Congr�s � l�intention des autorit�s lituaniennes dans le deuxi�me rapport de suivi sur la situation de la d�mocratie locale et r�gionale dans ce pays. Ce rapport, adopt� lors de la 22e session du Congr�s, salue en particulier la garantie apport�e par la Constitution au droit � l'autonomie pour les collectivit�s locales ainsi que les progr�s r�alis�s concernant les proc�dures de consultation entre l�association des pouvoirs locaux et le niveau national. 

Video du d�bat