
<font color='#55563B' size='2'>Monitoring of grassroots democracy in Germany</font>

Monitoring of grassroots democracy in Germany  [22/03/2012]

During its 22nd Session, the Congress examined the report on the state of local democracy in Germany and addressed a recommendation to the member state. The monitoring report, presented by Britt-Marie Lovgren (Sweden, L, ILDG), states that Germany has made �considerable progress in complying with the recommendations made by the Congress after its monitoring report on the situation of local government finances in 1999�. Nonetheless, the Congress invited German authorities to work out the standards for concomitant financing of local authorities, to strengthen and institutionalise participatory rights of national associations of local authorities both at federal and Land level and to sign and ratify the Additional Protocol to the European Charter of Local Self-Government on the right to participate in the affairs of a local authority. 

Monitoring Report  

Suivi de la d�mocratie territoriale en Allemagne  [22/03/2012]

Lors de sa 22e session, le Congr�s a examin� le rapport sur la situation de la d�mocratie locale en Allemagne et adress� une recommandation � cet Etat membre. D�apr�s le rapport du suivi pr�sent� par Britt-Marie Lovgren (Su�de, L, GILD), l�Allemagne a accompli �des progr�s consid�rables en mettant en �uvre les recommandations formul�es par le Congr�s apr�s son rapport de suivi sur la situation des finances des collectivit�s locales en 1999�. Le Congr�s a toutefois invit� les autorit�s allemandes � �tablir des normes de connexit� du financement des collectivit�s locales, � renforcer et institutionnaliser les droits de participation des associations de pouvoirs locaux, tant au niveau f�d�ral qu�� celui des L�nder et � signer et ratifier le Protocole additionnel � la Charte europ�enne de l�autonomie locale sur le droit de participer aux affaires des collectivit�s locales. 

Rapport de Monitoring