
President of the Congress calls for greater cooperation between volunteering sector and local and regional authorities

President of the Congress calls for greater cooperation between volunteering sector and local and regional authorities  [21/10/2011]

In his address at the Symposium in the European Volunteer Centre, Keith Whitmore, President of the Congress recognised the importance of volunteering in today�s changing democratic landscape. Emphasising the fact that volunteering plays a crucial part of ensuring active citizen participation in the democratic process which has, in recent times, become very important, he underlined the need for partnership and cooperation between the volunteer sector and local and regional authorities. The role that both education and volunteering play in preparing citizens for an active and more direct democracy is vital, according to Whitmore.   (More...)


Le pr�sident du Congr�s recommande un renforcement de la coop�ration entre le secteur b�n�vole et les collectivit�s territoriales  [21/10/2011]

Dans son allocution lors du Symposium qui s�est d�roul� au Centre europ�en du volontariat, Keith Whitmore, pr�sident du Congr�s a reconnu l�importance du volontariat dans le paysage d�mocratique aujourd�hui. En ��. que le fait que le volontariat joue un r�le d�terminant pour garantir la participation active des citoyens au processus d�mocratique devenu ces derniers temps tr�s important, il a soulign� la n�cessit� du partenariat et de la coop�ration entre le secteur b�n�vole et les collectivit�s territoriales. Le r�le que jouent l��ducation et le volontariat pour pr�parer les citoyens � une d�mocratie active et plus directe est essentiel, a-t-il indiqu�.   (More...)

Discours (anglais)