The Congress undertakes to strengthen the impact of the European Charter of Local Self-Government

On 19 October 2011, as part of its 21st session, the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe considered two reports on how to increase the impact of the European Charter of Local Self-Government. Firstly, it encouraged member states to withdraw any reservations and declarations made when ratifying the Charter. Secondly it proposed a series of measures to strengthen the treatment of the Charter in member states' domestic legislation. The Congress therefore intends to support the establishment of a "unified European space of common standards" for local democracy. (more...)

Report on the reservations and declarations to the European Charter of Local Self-Government
Report on the European Charter of Local Self-Government in domestic law
Press release

The Congress also examined five reports on the state of local democracy in Slovenia, Bulgaria, Finland, Serbia, Latvia and addressed recommendations to these Member States.


The report on local and regional democracy in democracy in Bulgaria was presented by Artur TORRES PEREIRA, Portugal (L, EPP/CD) and Johan SAUWENS, Belgium (R, EPP/CD).

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n a report, presented by Jean-Louis Testud (France) , the Congress noted with satisfaction that local democracy is a cornerstone of democratic life in Finland, with the legitimacy of the exercise of power firmly rooted in the principles of subsidiarity and local democracy. (more...)


The report on local and regional democracy in Latvia, presented by Jean-Claude Frécon, France (L. SOC), and Philippe Leuba, Switzerland (R. NR), at the 21st session, states that the country's legislation on local government is a good basis for the development of local self-government. Nevertheless, it recommends that the Latvian authorities increase local authorities' financial autonomy and grant a special legal status to Riga as capital. (more...)

In its first monitoring report on local and regional democracy in Serbia, presented by Arild KVALÖY, (Norway (R, NR), the Congress welcomes the broad consensus on the need to reform local self-government and to adopt legislation granting a special status to the autonomous province of Vojvodina, as well as the restoration of public funding to local authorities. However, it underlines that there are a number of areas of concern. (more...)


A report on local and regional democracy in Slovenia was discussed on 18 October at the 21st Congress Plenary Session. The report, which was presented by Jos Wienen (The Netherlands) and Merita Jegeni Yildiz (Turkey), expressed satisfaction that local democracy has considerably improved in Slovenia band globally complies with the European Charter of Local Self-Government.(More...)

Documents of the debates

Local and Regional democracy in Bulgaria


Local and Regional democracy in Finland


Local and Regional democracy in Latvia


Local and Regional democracy in Serbia


Local and Regional democracy in Slovenia
