A website is available to subscribe online to the 19th Session of the Congress from 6 September 2010 onwards.

An Introductory Seminar is proposed for new Congress members on Monday 25 October from 4.30 pm to 6 pm, in Room 6 - Palais de l'Europe.
Registration form

Session documents

Reform documents
Special file

Communication Division
+33 (0)3 88 41 38 44
[email protected]

Table Office
+33 (0)3 88 41 31 94
[email protected]
During the Congress SessionThe draft reform of the Congress will be debated at the 19th Session, in Strasbourg from 26 to 28 October 2010.

The proposals involve changes to the structures and working methods of the Congress, as well as the priorities for 2011 and 2012.

The session will also consider, among others, the draft recommendations on Estonia, Montenegro and Russia, as well as on the observation of municipal elections in Georgia. Furthermore, a round-table will be organised to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the European Charter of Local Self-Government. On the agenda are also the renewal of delegations, and the election of Congress Presidents and vice-presidents.

Draft agenda of the 19th Session
Reform for a more political Congress
In the context of the overall reform of the Council of Europe and its general budgetary situation, the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities has initiated an in-depth reform process. The main aim is to focus the Congress' activities more effectively on its institutional and political role in the field of protecting and promoting local and regional democracy in Europe.

Five reports have been approved on various aspects of the functioning of the Congress: the reform of structures, activities and working methods; procedures for monitoring the application of the European Charter of Local Self-Government; the strategy and rules on observing local and regional elections; priorities for 2011-2012; and resources and the 2011 budget.
