Adoption of reform proposals and election of new presidency
Décompte des voix à l'issue des votesOn 27 October 2010, the 19th Session of the Congress adopted its priorities for 2011-2012 and the proposed changes to its structures and working methods, including the creation of three new committees: a Monitoring Committee, a Governance Committee and a Current Affairs Committee, which will be set up immediately. The session also asked the Committee of Ministers to amend the Congress Charter in line with the changes. (more...)

''A reformed Congress will be better equipped for his mission of strengthening territorial democracy''

Ian Micallef, Président sortant a.i. du Congrès ''The reform process is entering an implementation stage. Its success lies in the active engagement of all Congress members, in our commitment and participation,'' Ian Micallef (Malta, EPP/CD), Rapporteur on priorities, stressed addressing the session. (more...) 

New leadership of the Congress  


The Congress elected its new leadership and each Chamber also elected seven Vice-Presidents who, together with the Presidents, constitute the Congress Bureau.


Political groups

Video of the debate

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Keith Whitmore elected new Congress President

Keith Whitmore, nouveau Président du Congrès des pouvoirs locaux et régionaux

At the opening of the 19th Session, on 26 October 2010, Keith Whitmore (United Kingdom, ILDG), President of the Congress’ Institutional Committee and of its Independent and Liberal Democrat Group (ILDG), was elected President of the Congress. In the first round of the election, he obtained 157 votes (an absolute majority), and Ian Micallef (Malta, EPP/CD) 66 votes out of the 230 votes cast. ''It is a great pride for me to be able to steer a new, reformed Congress for the next two years, and to strengthen its role as the guardian of local and regional democracy in Europe,'' he said. (more...)