Video interviews of the 20th Session available on YouTube - Youtube Congress playlist

Congress members and guest speakers answered questions on topical issues debated during the 20th Congress Session, which took place in Strasbourg (France) from 22 to 24 March 2011:

- co-operation between the European Union and the Council of Europe Congress
- citizen participation at local and regional level in Europe
- energy efficiency at regional level
- observation of local elections in Ukraine
- local and regional democracy in Austria, and local democracy in Malta
- cities facing natural disasters
- situation of Roma in Europe

All of these interviews can be seen on the Council of Europe YouTube account:
Interview with Johannes HAHN, EU Commissioner for Regional Policy
Interview with Johannes HAHN, EU Commissioner for Regional Policy
Interview with Marjan HAAK, The Netherlands (EPP/CD), Rapporteur on cititzen participation at local and regional level in Europe
Interview with Marjan HAAK,
The Netherlands (EPP/CD), Congress Rapporteur on citizen participation at local and regional level in Europe
Interview with Svetlana ORLOVA, Russian Federation, Vice-President of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe
Interview with Svetlana ORLOVA, Russian Federation (EPP/CD),
Vice-President of the Congress, on energy efficiency at regional level
Interview with Nigel MERMAGEN, United Kingdom (L, ILDG), Rapporteur on the observation of local elections in Ukraine (31 October 2010), , Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe
Interview with Nigel MERMAGEN, United Kingdom (ILDG), Congress Rapporteur on the observation of local elections in Ukraine (31 October 2010)
Interview with Emil CALOTA, Romania (SOC), Congress Rapporteur on local democracy in Malta
Interview with Emil CALOTA,
Romania (SOC), Congress Rapporteur on local democracy in Malta

Interview with Marc COOLS, Belgium (L, ILDG) Rapporteur on Austria Local and regional democracy in Austria, Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe
Interview with Marc COOLS,
Belgium (ILDG), Congress Rapporteur on Austria Local and regional democracy in Austria


Interview with Helena MOLIN-VALDES, Deputy Director of the United Nations Secretariat of the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR)
Interview with Helena MOLIN-VALDES, Deputy Director of the United Nations Secretariat of the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR)

Interview with John WARMISHAM, United Kingdom (L, SOC), Thematic Rapporteur on Roma/Travellers Issues, Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe
Interview with John WARMISHAM, United Kingdom (SOC), Congress thematic Rapporteur on Roma/Travellers Issues
Interview with Rudolf SARKÖZI, President of the Advisory Council of the Roma National Minority and former District Councillor of Vienna
Interview with Rudolf SARKÖZI, President of the Advisory Council of the Roma National Minority and former District Councillor of Vienna, Austria

Session agenda



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