Sport promotion

The EPAS aims to promote sport and emphasise its positive values, to establish international standards and develop a framework for a pan-European platform of intergovernmental sports co-operation while at the same time helping the public authorities of member States of the EPAS, sports federations and NGOs to promote sport and make it healthier, fairer and better governed.

 Visit the Enlarged Partial Agreement on Sport (EPAS) webpage

Action against spectator violence

The Council of Europe actively fights against spectator violence, particularly in football. In this respect, coordination between the Council of Europe and all States parties to the Convention is necessary.

The principal aim of the convention is to prevent and control violence and misbehaviour by spectators at sports events. It not only provides practical measures on how to prevent and control such violence but also the requisite action to identify and deal with offenders.

 Visit the European Convention on Spectator Violence webpage

Action against doping in sport

Doping is a hindrance to sports ethics and a threat to the health of athletes. Historically, doping is the first of the Council of Europe's concerns in sport.  As early as 1967 the Committee of Ministers produced the first international legal instrument on this matter.  Since then, the Organisation has continued to strengthen its commitment to eliminating doping from sport. The Anti-Doping Convention was adopted in 1989 and is followed by an additional protocol (2002).

 Visit the Anti-Doping Convention webpage

Action against Manipulation of Sports Competitions (the Macolin Convention)

The Convention on the Manipulation of Sports Competitions (Macolin Convention) is a ground-breaking legal instrument and the only rule of international law on the fight against sport manipulations and corruption currently existing. It provides common definitions, as well as unique international co-operation mechanisms such as the “National Platforms”.

 Visit the Convention on the Manipulation of Sports Competitions (the Macolin Convention)webpage