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The New York Times - 28/09/2016

At the recent European Union summit meeting in Bratislava, Slovakia, the divergent approaches of member countries on how to handle the influx of migrants exposed deep divisions. Among the countries most hostile to the European Union proposals on migration was Hungary. This comes as no surprise.

Hungary’s disengagement from human rights protections and the rule of law is not new. In recent years, its government has put pressure on the news media, eroded the independence of the judiciary and obstructed the work of nonprofit groups. But it is on migration that Hungary’s departure from human rights norms is most glaring...

Read the article on The New York Times


* Le 16 mars 2022, le Comité des Ministres a adopté une décision par laquelle la Fédération de Russie a cessé d'être membre du Conseil de l'Europe, 26 ans après son adhésion.
** Toute référence au Kosovo, qu'il s'agisse du territoire, des institutions ou de la population, doit être comprise dans le plein respect de la résolution 1244 (1999) du Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies et sans préjudice du statut du Kosovo.