65th meeting of the CAHDI, Strasbourg, 28-29 September 2023

In a political climate which encourages interdependence between states, international law is constantly developing, and is increasingly becoming a key factor in the organisation of inter-state relations. The Council of Europe is accordingly working to co-ordinate its member states' activities in this field.

The Council of Europe does it through its Committee of Legal Advisers on Public International Law (CAHDI), an intergovernmental committee which brings together the legal advisers of the Ministries of foreign affairs of the member States of the Council of Europe as well as of a significant number of observer States and Organisations.

In this site you will be able to find out about the CAHDI, its structure, composition, functioning, as well as its activities including adopted texts, publications and unrestricted working documents.

Three databases containing information about the practice of Council of Europe member and observer states in various fields of public international law can be consulted on the site. Users can search for and consult information concerning "Immunities of States and international organisations", "Organisation and functions of the Office of the Legal Adviser in the Ministry for Foreign Affairs" and "Implementation of UN sanctions".

Séminaire sur le Tribunal spécial pour le crime d’agression contre l’Ukraine

Quel role pour des organisation régionales comme le Conseil de l'Europe?

10 avril 2024 Strasbourg

Le Séminaire sur le Tribunal spécial pour le crime d’agression contre l’Ukraine s'est tenu en marge de la 66e réunion du CAHDI, à Strasbourg, le 10 avril 2024. Voir plus sur la page dédiée au séminaire (page en anglais uniquement).

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M. Helmut TICHY, Président du CAHDI

Discours de M. Helmut TICHY, Président du CAHDI, à la 1482ème réunion des Délégués des Ministres le 29 novembre 2023

29 novembre 2023 Strasbourg, France

The Chair of the CAHDI, Mr Helmut TICHY, held an exchange of views with the Committee of Ministers on 29 November 2023. He provided the Ministers’ Deputies with an overview of the CAHDI’s activities during the past year as well as with an outlook on the priorities for its future work as...

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M. Jörg POLAKIEWICZ, Directeur du Conseil juridique et de Droit international public (DLAPIL) - Conseil de l'Europe

74e Session de la CDI - M. Jörg POLAKIEWICZ

13 juillet 2023 Genève, Suisse

M. Jörg POLAKIEWICZ, Conseiller juridique et Directeur de la DLAPIL, a tenu un échange de vues avec la Commission du Droit International à l'occasion de sa 74e Session, à Genève, le 13 juillet 2023. La presentation de M. Jörg POLAKIEWICZ est disponible sous le lien suivant. (anglais uniquement)  

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M. Helmut TICHY, Président du CAHDI

74e Session de la CDI - M. Helmut TICHY

13 July 2023 Geneva, Switzerland

Mr Helmut TICHY, Chair of the CAHDI, presented the CAHDI’s activities at the 74th Session of the International Law Commission. The full version of the presentation of Mr Helmut TICHY is available at the following link (bilingual).

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