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[09/10/2009] Commissioner Hammarberg visited Slovenia from 6 to 7 October for high-level talks on children's rights, the situation of Roma people and that of the so called "erased" (persons from former Yugoslavia who were removed in 1992 from the country's permanent residence registry following Slovenia's independence in 1991).

He met the Prime Minister and the Ministers of the Interior, Labour, Family and Social Affairs, Foreign Affairs and of Education and Sport, the latter being also Chairman of the Government Commission for the Protection of the Roma Community.

Further meetings were held with the director of the government office for national minorities, the ombudsman, and non-governmental organisations (NGOs). The Commissioner also visited a Roma settlement in Zabjek, and held meetings with Roma representatives, the Roma city councillor and local NGOs.

In addition, Commissioner Hammarberg took part in the International Conference on Children's Rights and Protection against Violence which was held at the Slovenian National Assembly in the framework of the Slovenian chairmanship of the Council of Europe's Committee of Ministers.

In his speech, he underlined that children must be actors of their rights and that governments should invest more in ensuring an equal opportunity to access good quality education for all, including children with disabilities and Roma children.


* On 16 March 2022, the Committee of Ministers adopted a decision by which the Russian Federation ceased to be a member of the Council of Europe, after 26 years of membership.
** All reference to Kosovo, whether to the territory, institutions or population, shall be understood in full compliance with United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244 (1999) and without prejudice to the status of Kosovo.