Meeting documents

Delegations are kindly asked to bring their own set of documents to the meeting; documents will no longer be made available in the meeting room.

Back 17th meeting - Vienna, 8-9 March 1999

1 Opening of the meeting by the Chairman, Ambassador Hilger
- Report of the 16th meeting of the CAHDI CAHDI (98) 24
2 Adoption of the agenda
- Agenda CAHDI (99) OJ 1 rev 2
3 Communication by the Secretariat
- Recent developments concerning Council of Europe treaties CAHDI (99) 1
4 Decisions of the Committee of Ministers concerning the CAHDI
- Specific terms of reference of the CAHDI and of the DI-E-RIT CAHDI (99) 2 rev
- Recommendation 1382 (1998) of the Parliamentary Assembly on drawing up a European Code of Conduct on Arms sales CAHDI (99) 12
- Recommendation 1382 (1998) of the Parliamentary Assembly on drawing up a European Code of Conduct on Arms sales - Reference documents of the Council of Europe CAHDI (99) 12 Add (English only)
- Recommendation 1382 (1998) on Drawing up of a European code of conduct on arms sales - Points for consideration GR-J (98) 28
- Synopsis (Meeting of 7 December 1998) GR-J (99) 1
- United Nations Convention on prohibitions or restrictions on the use of certain conventional weapons which may be deemed to be excessively injurious or to have indiscriminate effects GR-J (99) 2
- United Nations Convention on the prohibition of the use, stockpiling, production and transfer of anti-personnel mines and on their destruction (Ottawa Convention) GR-J (99) 3
- Resolution on a code of conduct for arms exports (European Communities) GR-J (99) 4
- The Wassenaar Arrangement on Export Controls for Conventional Arms and Dual-Use Goods and Technologies GR-J (99) 5 (English only)
- Synopsis (meeting of 11 February 1999) GR-J (99) 7
- Drawing up a European code of conduct on arms sales (See Appendix pp. 10-16 : 2097th Council Meeting – General Affairs, Brussels, 25 May 1998) Doc. 8188
5 Law and practice relating to reservations and interpretative declarations concerning international treaties: European Observatory of Reservations to International Treaties
- Statement by Mr Imbert, Director of Human Rights of the Council of Europe during the 2nd meeting of the Group of Specialists on Reservations to International Treaties (DI-S-RIT) (Paris, 14-16 September 1998) DI-S-RIT (98) 9
- Report of the 2nd meeting of the Group of Specialists on Reservations to International Treaties DI-S-RIT (98) 10
- List of outstanding reservations and declarations to international treaties DI-E-RIT (99) 4
6 Consideration of conventions under the responsibility of the CAHDI
- Consideration of conventions under the responsibility of the CAHDI CAHDI (99) 4
12 The work of the General Assembly of the United Nations and the Sixth Committee, and the International Law Commission (ILC)
- Report of the 50th Session of the International Law Commission A/53/10 (English only)
13 The United Nations Decade of International Law, from 1990 to 1999: Centennial of the first International Peace Conference and closure of the United Nations Decade of International Law
- Preliminary report on the development of international law relating to disarmament and arms control since the first Hague Peace Conference in 1899 CAHDI (99) 9 (English only)
- Preliminary report on peaceful settlement of disputes: prospects for the twenty-first century CAHDI (99) 10 (English only)
- Preliminary report on international humanitarian law and the laws of war CAHDI (99) 11 (English only)
- Preliminary draft report on the Pilot Project of the Council of Europe on State Practice regarding State Succession and Issues of Recognition CAHDI (98) 13 rev
14 Appointment of the Bureau of the CAHDI
- Appointment of the Bureau of the CAHDI CAHDI (99) 7
16 Other business
- Secretariat proposal for a new activity for 1999 and 2000: Updating of the 1987 Council of Europe's report on "Expression of consent by States to be bound by a treaty" CAHDI (99) 8

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